Tuesday, 21 March 2017

a short play in which your beauty products gather in a pool of moonlight on the tiles of your bathroom floor to praise their goddess

a short play in which your beauty products gather in a pool of moonlight on the tiles of your bathroom floor to praise their goddess

toothbrush:    to sip bacteria from mouth chalice
                        what a waste of holy water –
                        spitting dredges in the sink

wax strip:       o i shall till her lush meadows
                        entomb each daisy in my body
                        enrapture each follicle

cleanser:         delta of blackheads on her nose
                        is my nile, i wash her festering
                        gemstones with reverence

lash curler:     orbit the many fingered moons
                        i am an astronaut intimately
                        acquainted with her gravity



An abandoned altar gathers dust, and so is altered. This blog is a sacred space, also abandoned, but fortunate enough to be digital and therefore, unalt(a/e)rd.

Code doesn't rot. I return to this web address after a year and find it waiting.

If I left food out for spirits, would they bless me and compel me to write more?

"I am a spiritual person. It means a lot to me to be able to say this. But my spirituality doesn’t require me to pray a number of times a day, or accept any particular cosmological order, or even to believe in things that there aren’t proof for. All my spirituality asks of me is that I put myself in situations that feel holy. That take my breath away and make me go I can’t believe something as beautiful as this is happening to me." - Max Ritvo interviewed on The New Republic 

I'm still a believer in something. This blog I guess. Tl;dr, I'm here again.